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The Psychology of Sports Injuries (From a College athlete)

Playing a sport is a core childhood and living memory of many collegiate and professional athletes. All the teammates, big games, locker room talks, team dinners and off-the-field memories bring nostalgia to sports. However, a sizably undesirable part of sports may overshadow those positive aspects at many points: injuries.

The Science Behind Déjà Vu: Why Does it Happen to You?

Almost two out of three people worldwide have experienced déjà vu, with rates being the highest among people between the ages of 15 and 25. As a college student, and someone that falls between the prevalent age range, it is likely that you have had this experience throughout your time at the University of Miami. 

Stepping into virtual reality: how real can it get?

According to Statista, the market size for both virtual reality and augmented reality expects to hit $296.9 billion in 2024. With such a large market potential, it is important to recognize and understand the rise of virtual reality and its impact on the scientific world.

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